
Bachelorette Party Princess Kit

Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $35.00.

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SKU: 644 Categories: ,

Bachelorette Party Princess Kit includes a White Boa & 4 other related items, and is a Not To Miss party item that will dress up the Bride to Be on her big night out and at a such a super low price!!  (some charge the same price for just a white boa!!)

The Pure White Bachelorette Party Princess Supplies Kit is an All-In-One package that includes much of the stuff needed to thoroughly dress up the Bride to Be for the Girl’s Night Out!!

The Bachelorette Party kit includes:

+    A Silver Tiara with Puffy Purple Pecker

+    A Pair Long White Gloves (2) with sparkly Purple Peckers at the cuff

+    A Silver and Purple Puffy Pecker Wand with Tinsel

+    White Feather Boa


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